AR Order is use for complimentary orders and non monetary movement of products and services.

This module can be use also for Acknowledgement Receipt, Account Receivable, Loan Items/ Amount, and Billing to the customer

The AR Order must be signed by the Charge to personnel and keep for the documentation purposes.

AR Order deducts inventory without the payment required.

You can use this feature to deduct the inventory quantity but it will not require payment.

Customer is required to charged the AR transaction.

1. From the Home Page click on SALES ORDER and then AR ORDER.

2. After all items ordered. choose customer button.

3. Enter or scan the code of the customer.


5. It will automatically record the transaction in customer profile.
(Note: There should be a customer registered in the system)

AR Order is used for complimentary orders and non-monetary movement of products and services. AR Order deducts inventory without the payment required. It is usually used for orders that are charged to the employees or customers with loyalty or RFID card.