02 Supplier Billing Report / Consignee Billing
When the user generates a billing report, the unit cost is based on the sales value listed in the Inventory Items.

If the user will update the item's unit cost, this will immediately take effect into the reports. Thus, when a billing report is generated after the update, the new unit cost's value will be considered in the equation.

Please make sure that when generating a Billing Report, the Unit Cost is up to date. Or else, this should not be updated right before generating report.

Below is a method to look up records and reports regarding specific suppliers.

1. To start with Supplier Billing Report, go to Inventory.
2. Select the Supplier .
3. The page will redirect to a list of Suppliers. Click the Details icon to open Supplier's profile page.
4. A report for top products sold will be displayed. Click the Name of the supplier that will display the links to Stock Balance, Purchase Orders History, Sales Report, Damage Items, Return Items.

To view (Consignee) Billing Report:

1. On the same page, click Billing Report button.
2. Select From and To Dates to cover timeline. Then click Generate.
3. Billing Report will be displayed.

Note that a shortcut to Create a Purchase Order for resulted items is available. NO need to input items sold one by one.