02 Stock Transfer
Use the Transfer Stock function to record the movement of inventory between two locations within your company. You may wish to do this if you are transferring inventory from WAREHOUSE to STORE, or reorganizing the locations of stock within a warehouse.

The Issuance Receipt feature lets the user transfer item quantities from one location to another. This is usually applied when items and delivered to and from warehouses or different branches.

1. To start, go to the Inventory menu.
2. Choose the Stock Transfer option.
3. Click the "Add New" button.
4. Enter the following details:

    ISR# - Auto generated number.
    Ref No - Can be request No. (Optional).
    ISR Date - Actual date of issuance.
    From Location - Origin of the items to be sent and SUBTRACT the Quantity.
    To Location - Destination of items to be transferred and ADDED Quantity.

- Other fields are auto-updated or will be available to edit once the form is generated.

5. Items can be immediately transferred by entering or scanning the barcode.
Same format applies: Quantity*Barcode automatically deducts inventory quantity From Location